Drama Ministry

Inspiring Storytelling, Theatrical Arts

The purpose of the MBC Drama Ministry is to serve and honor  God through the use of drama, storytelling, and theatrical arts. We also want to model the love and life of Christ using the spoken word and writing skills. The Drama Ministry  is also a learning tool; to evangelize and bring the Gospel to the community through the  very powerful media of mime, sign language and music.

Director, Sis. Vallerie Lewis
p:(210)862.4456 | e: Vallerie.mbc@gmail.com

BOMB Men's Blogs

Read the Men's Group Updates
November 8, 2022

God’s Power at the Polls – Voting Day Message

Election day is a major time for all citizens. However, the number of choices of candidates, countless issues and ever changing rules regarding voting can cloud your understanding, creating fear…

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