Christian Education

Opportunities for all age groups to grow through Bible study and Discipleship Training

Vision Statement:
To know Christ and to make Him known by providing Christian education classes, activities, and events for all age groups that will meet their needs, teaching them about Scriptural truths, enabling them to grow spiritually to fulfill “The Great Commission” mandate for evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, worship, and ministry.

The Christian Education Ministry at Macedonia includes opportunities for all age groups to grow through Bible study and Discipleship Training.

Christian Education

2 Timothy 2:15

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Discovering Church Membership Class 101

This class is a basic introduction to our church family. Since we have members from many different church backgrounds, this class is designed to explain who and what our church is. Discovering church membership is divided into four, one hour sessions:

  • Session #1————- 1st Sunday
  • Session #2————- 2nd Sunday
  • Session #3————- 3rd Sunday
  • Session #4————- 4th Sunday
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Discipleship Classes

Spring & Fall

To prepare God’s people for works of service, to build up the body of Christ, to promote unity in faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, and to develop mature Christians helping them to attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Eph. 4:12-13

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New Members Luncheons

Are held during the year in honor of all new members who unites with Macedonia. This gives all new members a chance to find out what ministries they can become involved in as well as fellowshipping with the Pastor, his family and ministry leaders.

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Spiritual Advisor's Ministry

To greet and welcome new members into the Macedonia family, to establish a Christian relationship with them that promote our love intentional purpose, and to guide and assist them on their spiritual journey. Spiritual Advisors meets every 1st Saturday of each month.

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Christian Education Events

Upcoming Ministry Activities
July 2024
August 2024
September 2024
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